How to set up a YouTube handle for your channel

You can now choose your youtube handle. This is a new feature on youtube. The feature allows Youtube users and content providers to easily locate, interact and connect with other users on youtube.

Previously the only channels that were allowed to have handles were channels with at least 100 subscribers. Now, this limitation has been removed by youtube and all existing and subsequent channels will have a handle.

The handle is different and separate from the traditional YouTube channel name because the youtube channel name is not unique as such multiple channels can have the same Youtube channel name making it difficult to identify specific channels.

The Youtube handle is unique to a channel and usually starts with the “@” symbol for example @Ellitzbiz. The handle once created automatically becomes a part of the youtube channel’s unique URL and will appear like this youtube handle name, for example,

How to set up a youtube handle

Youtube is currently rolling out youtube handles. You will be notified when you can choose a handle via YouTube Studio or email. If your youtube channel has a personalized unique URL, the URL will be reserved as your Youtube channel handle.

If your channel does not have a personalized URL or you prefer a different handle name, you can choose a new handle or use the automatically generated one.

If you are unable to choose a handle by November 14, 2022, YouTube will automatically assign a handle to your channel which you can edit/change.

Follow the steps below to set up or change your youtube handle.

  • Go to on your device (computer, tablet or mobile phone) with the YouTube app.
  • Select the account and click on choose handle or change handle.
  • You can choose one of the suggested handles or type in the handle field to check the availability of your preferred handle.
  • If your preferred handle isn’t available, it’s usually because another channel already selected that handle or It didn’t meet the youtube handle naming guideline.
  • Once you have found an available handle, click Confirm selection.

Youtube handle guidelines

Your preferred handle must meet the following criteria

  1. Should consist of 3-30 characters
  2. Is made up of alphanumeric and numeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)
  3. Can also include special characters such as underscores (_), hyphens (-), and full stops (.)
  4. It should not be URL-like or phone number-like
  5. Is not already being used by another youtube channel

Note It’s best to select a youtube handle that best represents your public identity on YouTube.

Things you can do with your youtube handle

  • Get noticed in shorts. For example, @yourhandle can be seen on your Youtube channel screen.
  • Identify your youtube channel in a unique way. This allows for easy identification of the channel and promotes the channel.
  • YouTubers can tag your channel in videos posted on other youtube channels.
  • Allows other You users to find your channel on youtube
  • Connect with other Youtube users.
  • You can use the URL which contains your handle to direct people to your channel when they’re not on YouTube. Thus promoting your channel outside of youtube.

Read also: How to create a youtube channel